Music therapy is the clinical, evidence-based use of individualized music experiences designed to address client-specific goals, within a therapeutic relationship with a board-certified music therapist.

This may include improving physical, neurological, developmental, cognitive, academic, mental, emotional, social, or spiritual goals such as:

  • mood and quality of life

  • emotional expression and processing

  • coping skills and relaxation

  • cognitive stimulation and sensory processing

  • communication and academic goals

  • developmental and personal growth

  • general wellness and physical activity

  • motivation and self-efficacy

  • anxiety and depression

  • agitation and pain perception

  • symptoms of sundowning

  • resistance to care

  • sensory sensitivity and nausea

  • confusion and isolation

But may also include goals that reduce symptoms such as:

From the outside, music therapy may appear fun and like play. It may also be serious through reflection and verbal processing. It may be loud with lots of instruments or quiet in thoughtful relaxation.

You may…

  • play instruments, sing, or move to music

  • create music or lyrics, or just listen to favorite songs

  • participate in music-facilitated relaxation, reminiscence, or life review

  • engage in therapeutic conversation and verbal processing